Openrouteservice API web SPA client using VueJS, Vuetify and Vue2Leaflet
Google Keep clone with Vue, Typescript and Firestore
International Telephone Input with Vuetify.
:rocket: A shiny admin interface for django-river built with DRF, Vue & Vuetify
个人博客V3.0 目前使用的技术(Nuxtjs + Nestjs + Vue + Element ui + vuetify),存储(MongoDB + Redis + COS)。Personal …
3D Product Configurator, Nuxt.js +Three.js ⚡
Example of movie list app in Vue JS + Vuetify + Axioms using omdbapi(open movie database API)
A simple Todo App made for developers with Vuejs, Vuetify and the powerful Firebase.
📰 Free news, blogs or magazines application theme, built with Vite & Vuetify created by HeroUI.
Evolution Manager é uma interface open-source para gerenciar a Evolution API, simplificando a …
Landing page template built with one of most popular javascript library Vue.JS, Vuetify (Material …