Simple, stateless, single-page application for creating neat PDF resume from JSON data.
OSI helps you to track your all open-source Internships and Program in a single place ⚡
✅ My website built with nuxt.js and statically generated from WordPress.
⛔️ DEPRECATED: A Nuxt project to generate an intuitive, readable and collaborative API documentation …
🗃 Nuxt Template (Typescript + Composition API)
由 Vue.js 驱动的中后台系统模板,为开发者搭建好了基本框架,可以快速实现后台系统的常用功能,如页面布局、权限控制、可视化仪表盘等。
Hybrid app template built with vue, ionic and capacitor.
Simple Laravel adminpanel based on Material Dashboard theme from Creative Tim