Vue 3 toggle component with labels, custom slots and styling options (+Tailwind CSS support).
Vue3, Vue Router, Pinia, Composition API, TypeScript, Vant4, VueUse, Axios, SocketIO, PostCSS, …
🐬 一个轻量级、开箱即用、快速开发 Vue3 (setup) 全家桶 + i18n 国际化 + Vite 5 + Element-Plus + UnoCSS + Vuex + TypeScript …
Veluxi Vue.js Starter Project with Nuxt JS and Vuetify
The Emerging UI Component library designed for Vue 3.x & Vue 2.x
Laravel Ecommerce website built with Laravel 6, and VueJS
利用uniapp+tailwindcss 3.x+uview 1.x+vue-cli搭建的一套基础模板,可以使用Webstorm或者vscode开发。集成miniprogram-ci自动部署
Openrouteservice API web SPA client using VueJS, Vuetify and Vue2Leaflet